Exterior of shop building, white wood with orange trim and gray wainscot. Blue sky above. Orange and white shop exterior with leaves in the foreground. Closer shot of shop exterior double doors and large window, with protective mirror glazing. Shop interior, showing pipes running geometrically from metal power junction. Shop interior with heavy brown welding jackets in foreground of welding booths. Three welding booths side-by-side with orange drapes open. Series of 6 tables in wood shop, roll up shop doors in background. Shop interior with welding booths in foreground and in background, pipes running to all booths. Exterior shop with sun hitting white wooden wall, roll-up door next to a fenced in air condenser unit. Render of shop building exterior at dusk, resembling as-built near identical. Light illuminating in cones down walls.

Kelseyville High School Shop

A specialty of Persinger Architects is delivering custom buildings designed for multiple uses. To continue its long tradition of career education, Kelseyville High School called on the firm to replace a deteriorating mid-century shop that also did not meet contemporary building codes or ADA compliance. The new shop was constructed on-site and houses equipment for an extensive auto, metal, and wood shop–and the supporting complex ventilation, electrical, and safety systems. With two adjacent classrooms, the building serves up to 430 students in the integrated agricultural curriculum, who are able to safely use loud, hot industrial equipment in an academic setting, separate from other student activities. Persinger Architects’ services on this project included writing and securing grant funding.